
UNSEEN Halo Infinite 2019 Pre-Release Gameplay, Bot PVE Score Attack, New Update and MORE!

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Halo Infinite Pre-Release Gameplay

Bot Score Attack

Halo Infinite Season 2 Entrenched Photos

Link do Vídeo

37 Comentários

  1. Just not enough content to keep me playing. Armor is mid. Not even worth grinding for. New maps are doo doo. New game modes boring

  2. I'll come back to this game when we get firefight and campaign content. The bot game mode sounds pretty exciting. I could care less what happens to multi-player because I'm not really much of a multi-player guy.

  3. ur videos are so satisfying bro such a small part of my day on my lunch break or before bed but such a big part of my halo gameplay and u always got positive vibes! keep doing ur thing u help so many of us grunts out here🤖

  4. Love your content, made me subscribed after watching for awhile. Noticed you stay on updates and still hold in positive light. Thank you

  5. Hey guys. I just started making videos with my friends (just posted a new halo vid). I’m not the best editor but I’m practicing at getting better and it’d mean the world if anyone could check out my first video and let me know what you think 🙂 Sucks advertising like this but otherwise no one will see my videos 🙁 I hope everyone is having a good day 👍

  6. Halo needs to stop with these stupid looking new armors. This stuff doesn't look good and it doesn't fit the style of the game.

  7. Id Love to see a Pve, just to roleplay a bit more. The weapons and textures are so good, it would be nice to play dramatic, go into cover and overall play a bit more differently from the overall sweat that us pvp

  8. Can anyone else not save matches in theater mode? I’ve tried to save some old matches over the course of a couple days and it doesn’t seem to work. Actually trying to play an old match just seems so buggy as well.

  9. I’m pretty sure at least it looks to me the eagle strike helmet with the big fin is a rocketeer reference. If not it’s pretty darn close

  10. You just keep releasing bullcrap videos, after bull crap videos talking about nothing. "Oh I can't believe 343 didn't actually put in a firefight mode, or bot mode" or "or massive quality of life fixes coming to the game soon" this isn't news. This is bottom of the barrel scraping what's left of 343. 343 doesn't care about infinite neither does Microsoft, they literally just want your money if you can't see past that at this point it's embarrassing. I went from liking your content to being able to see straight through the veil at this point, that you just released the most monotonous news over and over again. Infinite is terrible, none of the good gameplay can make up for the fact of all the other negatives, and everybody defending 343 saying that they're trying to fix it, I honestly feel sorry for all of you because Microsoft and 343 have you eating out of their hands. The game was released unfinished, and yet people like you are still defending them and still having hope for this game. I give it not even two more years, just one more year, the state of this game will not change and I will be back laughing at all of you. You literally just make content for terrible game to keep your YouTube alive, which hardly respectable at this point because of how bad the game is and how poorly 343 has treated you.

  11. It's really amazing how bare bones and weak Infinite's campaign is given the budget. If it was only in development for a ~3 years, what were they doing with >300 staff and a $500m budget for the preceding 3 years.

  12. ppl really need to shoutout Delta archive more. Literally half the halo news videos i see reference something that channel has found and most of the time its never mentioned its from them. And a lot of the time the original video has like a couple of hundred views. I know mint did shout him out here but i just mean most of the time. Delta archive really should be heralded as the prime source for most of the info we get about stuff, not some obscure yt channel

  13. FINALLY!!!!!! Someone has finally mentioned FIREFIGHT!!!!!!! It's one of the only things, in my opinion, that can keep halo infinite alive

  14. 1:25 is it bad that I’d prefer this style over the super realistic leaf flopping in the wind.
    Campaign yes go all out but multiplayer doesn’t need all that fine detail who is looking at branches of a tree in slayer or a poster in a control map. It’s not needed and restrictions on other systems are the problem, you probably wouldn’t lag as much if it looks like ce

  15. I think it looks really cool. Reminds me of ce and half life. Personaly i like that look but then again im old lol. Keep up the videos there awesome.

  16. THe bot arcade mode sounds amazing. Why did they not ad any pve besides campaign?

    Also. I'm still waiting for the progression system to be fixed. Didn't they say they'd be addressing that during season 2?

  17. Unfortunately I care very little about the new armors. I am already deeply rooted in my Halo Reach armor. I just don't see myself switching off it anytime soon. I like the Mark 7 armor core, but the others don't make me excited.

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