
What A Man Is Thinking When He Ignores You (SHOCKER)

– What A Man Is Thinking When He Ignores You

When a guy you’re interested in starts ignoring you it can feel like the end of the world. You start questioning why, and may even trace back through your every move to see where it is that you went wrong. Unfortunately for us women, it’s not an easy task to pinpoint the reason why your man gives you the cold shoulder.

That said, what if I told you that you could prevent this from happening by knowing what a man is thinking when he ignores you? Well, that is exactly what I’m about to share here today.

Hey ladies, my name is Amy North, I’m a relationship coach from western Canada, and today I’m going to share with you the three most common thoughts a man has when he ignores you.

Now before I jump into these I just want to quickly ask that if you like this video then please show your support by subscribing to my YouTube channel. There you’ll find a ton of my other dating advice videos, and if there’s a topic you’d like me to cover then feel free to share it in the comments section below.

Okay, so let’s get started.

The first popular thought a man has when he starts to ignore you is simple: he never meant to show interested in you in the first place.

When it comes to expressing interest in someone it sounds like a straightforward task, however, it’s not hard to send mixed messages. For instance, a man could tell you that you look beautiful, or that you’re fun to be around, and that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to have a relationship with you.

*** More from Amy North: ***
How to Get A Man:
Love Learnings:

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31 Comentários

  1. Hi Amy, pls help to decipher my situation with this platonic guy friend (I'm female BTW). Recently, I was very upset that he did not reply my text when I shared that my dad fell and hit his head. He did not even care to ask and just busy talking about himself. One week later, I texted him and I told him why is he not showing concerns for me when I need him to be by my side to be a listening ear. He seen my text and did not reply. The next day I asked him why he did not reply my text he said he does not know how to reply to me and he apologized for missing out the previous text that I told him my dad fell. Afterwards, I asked him why he missed it and why he was not there for me when he always need me and I'll be there for him. He did not reply again and today is another 1 week later. Still no text or call from him. What is he thinking?

  2. you forget a couple of more. 1. We are deep in our thoughts, 2.We literally are worried about something in our minds and 3.We got our life in chaos

  3. In my case, currently I'm ghosting her out of jealousy, though it was my fault for waiting too long and she ended up with someone else as a result. She really still wants to remain friends but out of guilt of wasting my chance with her. A huge part of me lost the desire to respond when she text to see how I'm doing

  4. He wanted to be friends at 1st. And we talked ..Now he has ignored me for months. Avoids me all the time. What happened we are both dame age too old for games..confused

  5. if we did that we just dont like you and you can do anything you want but we wont like you no matter what you do its the truth sorry ladys

  6. I chased a girl , and when she showed no interest or acknowledged my efforts… I completely ignored her.

  7. I don't agree with women not chasing men. Why should the men have to do all the chasing? What if they're shy?

  8. there is this guy i like at a gym and we keep glancing at each other ( he likes me to ) but neither of us have approached each other yet and he is starting to look a bit angry . only occasionally why???

  9. As a guy if he asked you out by now and the woman wanted to be friends only and he does not he will walk instantly

  10. You did forget some time they can be thinking if they are compatible with his and her sometimes if it to easy sometimes he feels like leading you on this is another reason so a guy would ask this is their heart in it. They would also be thinking the same thing listen to my favorite video west life if your heart not in it.

  11. 1) Annoyed ? True
    2) Not showing interest ? True
    3) Chase ? False ! After one or two asking out man should see genuinely your interest in him. A VEY CLEAR signal "YES" or "NO" and will respect clear "no". Instead ignoring, deniying, rejection-game etc., is something no man with self respect will tolerate. It will make this woman cause irritation in man, not attraction ! Even more he may want to avenge himself and start to play a "game", to get you, then just to dump and leave in your most vulnerable moment of feeling in love …

  12. If a man ignores you it could also mean that he is unsure about your feelings or that if he already asked you out a few times and you make excueses not to be with him he will eventally catch on

  13. He had told about me to his friend (that he likes me).. he is the one who always text me first and if I left his text on seen or by reacting to it, he send some random photo or video and then the convo continues. My point is he shows efforts but he also ghost me (does not reply to my text for 15-17 hrs) and when he doesn't reply he post story on ig or send snaps ( which means he is not busy).. one day he open himself up to me like his past or about his life and then other day he ghosts me like what's the point of this?😭 he ghosted me for 4-5 days and then he sended me a random video I asked him what's up with ur ghosting and he said that he wasn't ghosting me.. he was on a trip and then he was sick.. I don't get it, a single text won't even take a second and he took 4-5 days to reply? I think he is just playing around with me.

  14. A guy liked me n I liked him too but I never told him so …soon after two years he instantly approached me for engagement n we started talking on whatsap after 20 days he asked Me to meet him I went and we kissed went little intimate and we both were happy with it after few more days we met again n he approached for a kiss and we lost it and were about to make love but then both of us stopped as we already planned to do it after marriage but since then his behavior has changed he hardly texts me n when I told him he says he's busy n ol I don't even know will he marry me or not I seriously want to marry him I wonder what's my mistake

  15. He earlier gaves me full attention and we were good friends but now he is ignoring me…I couldn't understand

  16. My partner, whenever there is the tiniest conflict, he shuts down completely then goes into silent mode and won’t speak AT ALL. This can last anywhere from days to weeks to months. Then when it’s over, he won’t discuss it AT ALL. If you try to speak to him about it, he will then shut down again and the cycle repeats. Feels like a prison inside a washing machine at this point.

  17. Hi… My boyfriend biggest aim become a govt officer but first I am not support him also same distrub to chase him firstly he ask one year space for free studying but again and again I am forcing him finally he totally avoiding me blocked me on everything he said I don't need love for now the time I want study… 2 months no conduct friends are blaming me he is totally cheated me what can I do please let me know

  18. The reason why I’m not bothered if she’s the one chasing me, is that I get to know more about her relationship status knowing that I am not involved or taken by anyone else.

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