
Wizards Presents 2022 – Magic: The Gathering | Dungeons & Dragons

It’s the biggest announce day of the year at Wizards of the Coast. Don’t miss the reveal of everything arriving in 2023 for both Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons—plus a few surprises!

0:00 – Intro
0:48 – MTG Universes Beyond x The Lord of The Rings
3:19 – D&D: One D&D
10:40 – MTG: Post Malone Makes Friday Night Magic
11:43 – MTG: #Magic30 and World Championship in Las Vegas
13:28 – MTG: 30th Anniversary Promos
14:15 – MTG: Secret Lair 30th Anniversary Kit & August Superdrop
16:03 – D&D: Legend of Drizzt
18:49 – MTG Universes Beyond x Warhammer 40,000
21:01 – MTG Universes Beyond x Doctor Who
21:55 – D&D: Spelljammer
24:04 – D&D: Dragonlance
28:25 – D&D in Japan
30:23 – D&D in 2023
31:32 – MTG: Dominaria Remastered
32:31 – MTG through 2023
36:54 – Wrap up for Wizards Presents

38:06 – Dominaria United Debut
39:16 – Lost Legends
40:00 – Returning Home to Dominaria
46:19 – The Booster Fun of Dominaria United
48:39 – Commander Decks
51:00 – Legendary Box Toppers
52:57 – A look at the villains
55:35 – Mechanic: Domain
56:23 – Mechanic: Kicker
58:00 – Mechanic: Read Ahead
59:57 – Mechanic: Enlist
1:02:21 – Sign off
1:02:45 – One last thing…

#MTG #DND #MTGDominaria #WizardsoftheCoast #Magic #MTGDMU

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45 Comentários

  1. First it was banning cards that weren't racist back then and most certainly aren't now. Now we are changing characters in classic literature? Awesome. Wizards wokeness never ceases to amaze me.

  2. Listen folks, if you're so tilted that Aragorn has been made black that you're willing to throw away your passion for Magic (though you won't, you'll buy packs like the rest of us will) then good, we don't want you here. Examine yourself and why making a historically fictional white character a different ethnicity REALLY bothers you and improve upon it. The MtG community has enough bad stereotypes asociated with it, Hogs is not another one that I, or I guess most people, want to be added to the list.

  3. all the LOTR movie nerds spamming a quote that tolkien never even said or wrote just because aragorn is black now, like you actually care about tolkien and just wanna be mad at something

  4. Really WotC? This is how you pay tribute to what is arguably the greatest work of fantasy, without which MTG might have never existed? Very, very disappointing. I was looking forward to collecting this set. Guess I'll have to pass it now.

  5. Call me a fool i suppose, but it's kind of concerning how many people are calling WOTC evil for daring to make a fictional character black

    I see lots of people are quoting Tolkien on the topic as if they have the moral high ground here. Aragorn is not a real person. He does not actually exist. The story does not require him to be white. The Tolkien estate obviously okayed this, so why is everyone so upset about it? Just let it go and move on, you don't need to buy the set and you don't need to yell at a company online for a painting that (barely) features a black person.

  6. What woke bs was that lady talking about?
    I literally see many a women be heroes in a party. More importantly, they play the characters they actually prefer to play.

  7. F*** Wizards of the Coast for spitting on decades old characters and franchises for sjw virtue points. Time to stop buying WotC products.

  8. Always remember to speak with your wallets. It's extremely easy to stop giving money to a company who hates you and your existence

  9. I was considering buying EVERYTHING from this. Love both Magic and LOTR. Read every Tolkien Book.
    You just made me save thousands. Thanks

  10. The books that have only been outsold by the Bible need to be adjusted and re-imagined for current year to reach a wider audience. You are a bunch of clowns.

  11. Hearing her describe LotR and all the love and work that went into these cards is actually kind of hilarious when you see where the segue ends up.

  12. I give the wonkiewoke team of WOTC a few hours before they start deleting dislikes and comments that don't shill for their once great products. BTW WOTC, what the heck happened to you guys? You used to pumout some great stuff, now you have turned your backs on the people that have bought your products year in and year out. For what? Your new "management" is going to drive WOTC, DnD and the rest of it's products into the ground. Give you 5 years before your sales hit rock bottom.

  13. Oh look you silly goose, you put a haradrim in western armor on the Aragorn card.
    Honest mistake I'm sure.
    I'd sure wouldn't want to be the joker who gave the green on that unfortunate mishap.

  14. How dare you change Tolkien's Vision with modern day politics, you have the opportunity to use the new characters and use artwork for them. But you would rather desecrate on one of the greatest story tellers of all time and claim you are staying true to the lore. Shame on you and the people running the company, it truly is disgusting.

  15. Aragorn – Black
    Legolas – Asian?
    Frodo – Black/Hispanic?

    Next thing they'll tell us is Drawves reproduce asexually

  16. 2:32 I know that magic cards art really have taken a down turn the last couple of years, some are even too ugly to play, but are you using blind people now to make the cards ?

  17. Yeah imma never buy MTG cards directly ever again, I’m gonna stick to buying them second hand. Thanks WOTC for doing an Amazon n messing with one of my favorite franchises ever.

  18. Pure garbage. The days of TSR were better, and the people far more talented than the hacks you can find at WoTC.

  19. RIP, you did what you were told by people in shadows, so they will buy or watch your products, forget about the general public.
    You shouldn't had touched Aragorn.
    RIP Wizards of the Coast.

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