
YouTube Needs To Fix The Comment Bots…

Hello guys and gals, it’s me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at the ever growing concerns of the comment section. As these systems get smarter we need newer systems to ensure that the only point of feedback to creators from the audience is kept intact. Thanks for watching!
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39 Comentários

  1. Yes the comments are numero uno. We get to actually input something.What I'm constantly amazed by is "thousands of likes are given to the dumbest comments comment.Whereas,the comments that do actually make sense sometimes get zero likes or just 2 or 3.

  2. Youtube hiding replies is far worse than the bot spammers. You get a notification, someone mentions your name, you can read the reply in the notifications, but when you click on it and it opens the video up, you can't see the comment at all down below the video. YOUTUBE ARE HIDING REPLIES ON PURPOSE

  3. I just from 8-bit Ryan Channel and his channel has a problem with comment section where no one can post comments and sometimes only 1,2 channels that are verified (mostly his friends) are showing. I don’t know if this issue is related to Youtube trying to fix the comment or not. I haven’t seen this on other channel, only 8-bit Ryan’s channel, so I can’t be sure of anything. But I want to talk about it and hope raise enough awareness so that other people know about this

  4. Youtube has been BROUGHT TO ITS KNEES by bots.
    It is absolutely ridiculous! They are doing NOTHING about it! THEY have absolute control and tons of money to fight it, but I have seen regular users doing their own bot removers and ZERO PUSHBACK from Youtube. I get no replies to anything anymore, because every 2nd comment is just bots spamming away.

  5. Once i commented about my cat and a bot replied. I tried to report the bot but it came back then i replied to the bot saying "please report the bot above me"
    Later i looked at my replies and YouTube removed MY reply about asking for people to remove the bot but didn't remove the bot

  6. Came back to this after getting furious over a bot that was disguised as Game Theory that said "Want to know why youtube bots are getting so bad? (link)" like jfc theyve already advanced by one meta layer and youtube hasnt even started to do something about it. They literally do not care as it doesnt hurt their bottom line

  7. Easy solution: create a tool that filters out user names that have phone numbers and typical bot names. Ban all the fake accounts.

  8. Thank you so much for bringing this up! It's been pissing me off these last couple of weeks and usually prevents proper comment discussions from happening as these are really distracting. I fear that these bots have malicious links that could pose future security breaches and as someone who had a pretty stressful experience from account security in the past, I wish this actually gets fixed up properly, much like the myriad of other big issues showing YouTube's cracks in management design.

  9. And some inappropriate things like: "funny footage of (youtuber name) raping a horse (youtube link)"

  10. I swear, every time I make a comment, there's a chance some bot's gonna be like: "Text me on Telegram –> (some stupid link)" Or some idiot advertising some channel by going "Finally it's here (some stupid link)". It's so ANNOYING.

  11. This problem is getting so out of hand that I really wish there was a purge of these bots and maybe even something done about the owners like jailtime or something

  12. MacReady WAS the Thing at the end of the movie, Childs was Human. It infected MacReady because it was the only gambit for it to survive. He had the knowledge to survive and kill the Thing against all odds.

  13. I actually saw a comment being like "investing in crypto is so great!"
    obviously knowing that she is wrong I typed "nah your wrong"
    And then like 10 alt accounts began INTERACTING WITH EACH OTHER

  14. Hate how yt removes the ability to see dislikes but when it comes to actual problems like bots and scammers they don’t even do anything about it 😡🤬

  15. One step YouTube can take to combating bots is adding a feature for not only creators but users who don’t make content where we can choose to block users from being able to comment if their account has only existed for a certain amount of time. Such as me setting that option for blocking accounts under 2 years old for example. Some people might set their replying comments setting for 6 month old accounts as the limit. My account is more than 3 years old. Of course, if you set your account to that limit and your account was new, you’d still be able to reply to your own account, of course, but no one else would be able to.

  16. If youtube could literally just take the ability of posting links from viewers except for the channel owners themselves that would get us rid of 2 of the most annoying spammers, the ones which I really hope will be gone by the time No Nut November comes around and the IT'S FINALLY HERE YES type bots. Like that's literally all it takes, ik there still are bots out there who don't rely on posting links but still.

  17. There’s a few out now that are calling Indian and Irish people the n-word because the one who made the bots is a bitter person from the UK who is probably xenophobic and racist.

  18. There are always people who reply to my comment who say woah telegram me to this so on so gmail for this free Lamborghini and I'm like….


  19. What's really annoying is that YouTube's Devs don't seem to have the ability to stop those
    "scripted bots".
    Those are the ones that AUTO DETECT a new comment (like mine here) the their script uses the person's channel name and says
    F'U'K'U' and some link.

    All the scripted comments are EXACTLY the same. THOUSANDS OF THEM.

    A bunch of months ago, I prepared a spread sheet of a lot of these SCRIPT SPAM BOTS.

    When gathering information, SOME PATTERNS APPEAR!!!

    The one main pattern, was the CREATION DATE OF EVERY SINGLE ACCOUNT!

    They were ALL THE EXACT SAME!

    The fact that there were hundreds and all the exact same creation date, proved that these too were SCRIPTED ACCOUNTS!

    Scripted bots, scripted comments and scripted auto account creation is something that YouTube should EASILY be able to intercept and put a stop to.

    BUT THEY DON'T…. WON'T…. or CAN'T!

    If I headed the department that is SUPPOSED to secure the platform, first, some heads would roll and then I'd institute some protocols to detect and stop these bots in their tracks.

    For some of them, it's very easy to do.
    BUT YT DOESN'T… WHYYYYYY?????????????

    *Now, let's see if an auto scripted comment bot triggers on THIS comment. If so, it will be in less that 60 seconds.

    Let's prove that.
    This was posted at exactly 4:49 PM EST

    Ok, over 3 minutes and nothing. THAT is interesting. So now I wonder if those scripted bots hit bigger channels like the news media ones.

    Something to make note of.

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