
Betfair trading software | How this new Bet Angel feature is going to change everthing

Betfair trading software | How this new Bet Angel feature is going to change everthing

Betfair trading software is a must if you want to Betfair trading is a very competitive market, but now and again something comes along that is a game changer.

If you betting in-play or doing any sort of Betfair trading in-play on Horse racing, we just launched a new feature for Bet Angel that will completely change the way you bet or trade these markets.

There are two key problems with in-play betting or trading on horse racing. The first is that camera angles can be deceptive and lead you into a trade when you can’t clearly see the action of the horses.

The second is the infamous in-play delay. Because of the delay in transmitting TV pictures, there has been a turf war for the faster pictures available.

This has resulted in people even using Drones to get faster pictures than most people can see at racecourses.

This new feature in Bet Angel, now gives you the ability to benefit from racecourse telemetry. Each horse has a special device installed in the saddlecloth which can now transmit horse specific data, straight into Bet Angel.

Introduction to the new feature: –

How to get live Horse Racing data into Bet Angel: –

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24 Comentários

  1. Have to admit, this is something that pro in-play traders would love. Me? I am purely pre-race, but the wonders of technology never cease to amaze. Wonder if Max Zorin could have used this along with his 'juice' therapy? That's one for the old uns .

  2. A lot of money to subscribe tho? If your going to do this you will probably have to go for £60+ a month depending on how many races you want

  3. Tried it out today for the first time, couple of glitches setting it up, use the info on the blog post, first race pretty big delay from prices to data, depending on race length pretty easy to scalp on the longer races, different on the shorter races, still a minefield imo. I would think you still need live pictures as a horse could fall, the price of yours shoots in which you have just layed and your wondering what the hell is going on, certainly very useful tool and actually really enjoyed using it, going forwards I do think showing the fences at the race marker indicator would be a good idea or when a horse was about to jump the fence the cell turns red, just a thought

  4. Hi Peter, is there any way to get stats on which races front runners are more likely to win and things like this? Like which sorts of races and which distances statistically? And information that could help you ascertain when horses may have gone off too fast and things like this? Because otherwise without this information how can you build successful strategies? I mean without keeping data of thousands of races which would take years and years of arduous data compiling (which I'm sure you've done), it's virtually impossible task for someone starting out. Thanks for any advice.

  5. Omg why you all so happy? This is a game changer for bots and game over for all people who click with mouse like me!!!!!!!!! omg

  6. Have these guys missed a trick Peter, by not creating their own exchange with these features?
    There probably will be a lot of people acquiring the licenses to utilise the features, but with this amount of big solid data, theyd be better off doing an exchange on their own. Traders and even punters wont need anything else, even pictures.

  7. TPD already partner with Betmover and plot the horses position on course maps. I can't really see how the speed and position in running is useful as a number flashing on a screen. If it was next to a graphical rep of a horse being displayed in realtime on a course map then yes it would be awesome. Betmovers price is very steep to commit and find out it's 5 seconds behind live although bet angel appears to have it reporting quick enough to have a reasonable representation of live action?
    Any thoughts welcome?

  8. This appears to be a game changer for in running trading, however at the moment It is difficult to see how to take advantage of the combined software. I would like to see some videos of basic example strategies. Thanks for posting this and the excellent Bet Angel.

  9. have you always been aware of the delay of the off as shown by the Betfair in play? cant recall a comment made by you, at least in the videos ive watched

  10. Only UK and US racing at the moment…..I'm posative Australian Race clubs, especially NSW, wil want to block this tech….they love to keep punters and traders in the dark

  11. You will remember, i cant, there was a company offering a service which allowed punters to follow the horse around the track by a tracking method.( something placed in the saddle, from memory)This was about 10+ years ago, did not last long, did you ever subscribe to this service.

  12. Hello.
    I do not fully understand the use of This. Can someone please give me an in-depth example, in horse Racing for instance. How does it work? Do I have to sit and watch an upcoming horse race, and Them place a Bet where I’m a little ahead of time?
    And where is it possible to play “inplay”? That means live/when the race is ongoing, correct? Inlight me please

  13. Great sales pitch although I don't think this has any advantage or edge for the fact that most horses save plenty during a race especially NH, the naked eye beats these speed figures any day.

  14. Good video. It was a 9-10 seconds delay here. I'm not from the UK, but like if you watch a race live on TV, or a supposedly live stream, could it be delayed even by 10 seconds? I thought that would be 1 or 2, maximum 3 seconds. I mean if it is usually around 10 seconds or so, it should be easy then to win betting in-play when at the track (or the drone thing), right?
    Another question: Could you do a video and show how you actually use this stuff for in-play betting, I mean like what data you consider when back or lay a horse, and how it is automatized (if it is)?
    Thank you and good luck everyone 🙂

  15. Hi Peter like others have said a virtual picture would be great where you see the horses, there is another system that uses TPD and it has various colour schemes like the when the horse is winning it goes red etc here is a link to give you an idea please delete if not allowed to post links

  16. I notice TPD are at the courses broadcast by Sky Sports Racing; who provides the data at the other courses broadcast by Racing TV? Any plans to partner with them?

  17. I wouldn't mind having a go at Bet Angel, but it's the plethora of training videos that puts me off somewhat, how long would it take for me to plough through all of those? Where would I start? Any advice greatly appreciated.

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