
Betfair trading | Why some days can produce brilliant or terrible markets

Saturdays produce some of the best Betfair trading opportunities of the week.

Big sporting events, create big sports betting markets and that in turn creates good trading opportunities.

But not always, sometimes the markets don’t quite line up the way they should and that can be frustrating.

But by understanding what makes a good market and what makes a bad market, you will be able to deploy the correct Betfair trading strategy to that market.

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3 Comentários

  1. Very interesting , not thought about this. Please could you explain the "Delta" at the top of the ladder, not noticed this in previous videos.

  2. Would it be fair to say only people trading at your level would have difficulty trading these lower liquidity markets? Most traders aren't slamming in £500 stakes all over the shop so should have little trouble.

  3. Hi Peter, not sure what you're suffering from, but I too hope you are getting better!

    I enjoyed this video (as I do most of your videos) but it got me thinking…

    With all these races being crammed so close together, is there possibly some kind of 'conspiracy' by the race organisers and the Bookies to try to squeeze traders (well the big, successful buggers such as yourself!) LOL out of the markets?

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