
How to Use the Betfair Exchange to find Profitable Bets | OddsJam

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Alex goes through how to use the Betfair Exchange to find sharp, profitable bets. He explains betting exchanges and how to use them as a source of information. Alex is a sharp sports bettor. He graduated from Stanford University in Math & Computer Science. His goal is to help other sports bettors make money.

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He discusses his sports betting tips, advice and strategies. He goes through betting exchange terminology, such as “Back All” and “Lay All.” He explains Betfair sports betting. He explains how to use Betfair and make money.

He discusses profitable betting strategy. Alex takes you through the “ins and outs” of how to use the Betfair betting exchanges on the OddsJam software. He goes through his most profitable sports betting strategies.

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2 Comentários

  1. My god!!! If you make a video like this you may want to have a clue what you are talking about…. First of all 99% of bets offered on the betfair platform are seeded by a number of sportsbooks. Not "people" 2nd, I love how you claim no vig. You do realize you have to pay a 3% commission on all winning bets.? lol. So in your example of +138 on the rangers you are actually betting them at +133.86.

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